Sunday, September 23, 2007

Applying to Grad School?

Let’s face it. Applying to graduate school sucks. If you have to take the GRE (Graduate Records Examination) it’s even worse.

I’m a senior in college and currently undergoing the process of applying to grad school while still being a full time student, studying for the GRE, working 2 jobs, maintaining a relationship with my boyfriend, and attempting to stay social with my friends. Add to it the fact that all of the schools I’m applying to are about 1000 miles away, and it gets pretty stressful.

I figure this blog will be a great place to share advice and information about grad schools and the GRE. Speaking of that horrible exam, if you are planning on taking it, you can sign up on online here. They also have a really good program to help you study. It's called GRE POWERPREP, and you can download it to your computer from the website here. Simply fill out the information, and you're ready to go. Enjoy!

Also, I found this post on the University of Tennessee- Knoxville. It's one of the schools I'm looking at, and I thought the post was good. Check it out here.

1 comment:

Guardienne of the Tomes said...

KG -

Choosing an MLS program can be tricky, or not so tricky. I highly recommend you talk to some librarians, if you know any and admire them. You'll learn the same thing in most places, but if you're hellbent on being more of an information technologist and systems person than working in reference or cataloging, you'll want to go to a school that is more IT intensive.

Otherwise, most schools' curricula are very similar. The key is going to be what electives you choose after you take the core required courses - those will be the ones that are the most useful towards the kind of librarianship you want to pursue (public, academic, school media). The thing to keep in mind is that if you're interested in archival work or preservation, be sure the program actually has coursework in it - some schools have little to no work in that area.

Feel free to toss me an email at warmaiden-at-gmail-dot-com, I can tell you more about a few programs I know about, and I'm currently an academic librarian - I just don't advertise online where *grin* Best of luck!

- Guardienne